Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Burning Bush Experience

It was not long after I received Christ as my Lord and Savior that my experience happened. I was attending a birthday party for a friend of mine and we had gathered around him to pray. When we finished praying for him, someone said we need to pray for Joe also. I was told while being prayed for that I would be in dark places of prisons, where only I would be able to bring light into dark. I would set captives free. At that time, I had no clue what that meant. I wanted to be ministry, but not that type!
So, three years later I am finally ready to do what the Lord asked of me. :)
I started attending Prison ministry thinking this is what the Lord wanted me to do. I found fulfillment from this, but it was not what the Lord had in mind. On my way home from a ministry session, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, I want you to go into the prison son and reach the people that do not know me. I said Lord I am doing what you asked of me. I thought prison ministry is what you wanted. The Lord replied and said, there are people that do not know me and need me inside the prison where I can not get to. You have to get to them for me son. I was like how? He said I want you to become an officer and work for me inside the prison. I replied with if you can get me in God, I will do what you ask of me. Thinking in my fleshly self, there is no way they are gonna hire a tattooed guy like me!
Well.... God is a VERY BIG GOD! and......
I am currently working as a Correctional Officer at Monroe Prison.
I would like to mention that it was prophesied numerous times that I was to do this. I just did not understand it would be literally!

The only scripture that the Lord had laid on my heart and its my life verse! Its what drives me to keep going when I don't want to!
Hebrews 13:3
Remember those in prison, as if you were there yourself. Remember also those being mistreated, as if you felt their pain in your own bodies.

God has put the entire prison in my hand right now! I am a soldier for Christ, and I will not be afraid. He has equipped me to do the work of the ministry. I am given the body armor of Christ, that I put on each morning before entering into the facility. I am there to deliver and set free the captives. The Lord is my strength!

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