Friday, March 6, 2009

Jaime's Painting

Rachel's Sculpture

This sculpture reflects what I hope happens when I create. Though you can't see it in this image, the swirl of color starts at the top of the head and curls down around the back of the neck and transforms the arm. I wanted this to represent Divine Inspiration flowing down through my mind, out my fingertips, and pointing back to the one who created color.

Nick's Sculpture

I often see life through a lens of a camera. As I look closely, I can see my self in the mist, I am inspired.

Kristi's Sculpture

Jonell's Sculpture

Teach the nations, touch their hearts, with their ideas and visions.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Jaime's Vision

God has placed me in a position that I’ve been wanting. I’ve been wanting to be challenged in areas of public speaking, sales, and meeting people. These are all out of my comfort zone. When this job opened up, it was the perfect opportunity for me to take. I get nervous and anxious when I talk in front of groups, I am not the aggressive sales type and I hate bothering people, and I’m very shy when it comes to meeting people I don’t know. God has been working with me and telling me to trust him and to put myself out there and meet as many people as you can. He doesn’t want me to be afraid anymore. He’s telling me not to worry about who’s in the audience. Just be me and he’ll take care of the rest.

When it comes to my presentations, I want to be a motivator, encourager, and influencer. I want those students to feel empowered and moved when my presentation is finished. I want them to feel like anything is possible. I want them to feel the exact way God makes me feel!

The bell rings and students begin to fill the room going to their assigned seats, looking around as if something is out of place or something is different. Yes, today is different. They ask themselves, “who is this stanger?” up in the front of the room. “Do we have a sub today?” More and more students begin piling in as it’s almost time to start. Still students are sitting at their seats wondering what this stranger is doing in their classroom today. They can’t help but feel he means no harm and has a calm, pleasant demeanor about him. Even though they don’t know who he is, they feel comfortable.

The final bell rings and it’s time to begin class. The teacher takes role and introduces the guest speaker, “class, this is Jaime Cortes” and explains why he is visiting their class today, “it’s about your future”, the teacher explains. I begin and as I talk about the possiblilities of their future, it’s as if they are transported to the future. Having glimpses of what it will be like in a career they love and are passionate about. A career that allows them to travel, have freedom, and enjoy the things they’ve always wanted. They feel like they are in a story. A story of their future. A future of infinite possibilities. Their eyes light up. Smiles and laughter fill the room. They are having the ride of their life.

Amazed at what they have heard, they want to learn and hear more. They don’t want it to end. They want that future that I have explained. 40 minutes have gone by and it’s time for me to wrap it up. “Okay class, now it’s your turn to make that dream become a reality! It’s time to take the first step.” The room is filled with hands raised in the air. Hands raised with questions about “how can I get that?” “How can I get what you just explained?” “I want it all!” “What do I have to do?”

I can’t help but smile on the inside and think, “Man, God is good!”

So Life is fun

Today will be fun. Challenging, scary, a lot of hard work, but fun. It is the opening of my show room and is marked by the production of Symphony Street, a runway show of this season’s line. Looking over the styles I am please and proud of the outcome. Simple reverence to the human body with the perfect about of flair. Um how pleasant.
I tackle the task of dressing myself for the big event. I commonly feel like if would be easer to orchestrate a whole runway show then build a personal ensemble. Perspective is the key to everything,
Soon I will step out of this house and invite a challenging, scary, fun day. My fine team of five and I will wow our visitors with on experience. An event. A moment. And a picture that will become a part of who they are. This is our chance to show our creations, a bit of ourselves and an atmosphere that is pure, holy and spirit inspired. Clothes are a brand and an image, just something that you wear, but they become something you use to communicate, something you “buy into”, something that defines your identity. This is what I live life for. An atmosphere to command for Jesus, an industry to redefine, a day to enjoy. Breezing thought the details of models, lights, colors, musicians….this is a day to remember and live.
So, I step out, reaching and commanding what is to be, doing what I see and feeding that hunger in the middle of me that calls unto deep.

Leaders I admire

Claire McCardell (1905-1958)
Claire McCardell is someone I admire for her work in fashion. She has been identified as the first truly American Fashion designer. She was a forerunner for woman’s sportswear and had a vision for a new look when everyone else was focused on making an old one better. Her look was simple but fresh and met the need of a changing culture. She created casual but sophisticated clothes with a functional design, this reflected the lifestyles of an American women.
She was met by the challenge the effect the war had on design. There was no contact with France, the world leader of fashion, and the war effort demanded a rationing of fabrics. These setbacks did not affect McCardell, who already was steering clear of French influence and whose designs made frugal use of material.

Abraham Lincoln (President, Abolitionist, Changed culture and society).

President Lincoln’s life has many obvious ……The thing that admire is that he lived his passions and convictions. He believed in freedom so much that he was willing to risk a country’s economic base and political security to gain it. He pushed though an large amount of obstacles in his personal life and brought our country though an amazingly tough time in history. I know there are lots of details, possible motives and cultural influenced about him I do not know. But I do know that he had the spirit of God to influence this country and the world.

Julia Loren

Ok, so I don’t know a lot about Julia, and I use her as a representation of the collection of people I have just begun to admire. They are the spiritual forerunners that seem to be putting pressure on heaven and are blazing a trail of revelation for us….my generation. These people are concerned with title, pressures, progress and expectations. They are concerned with Gods calling on their life and how it relates to the body of Christ. I see people putting aside so much and then living in true Freedom.

Julia Loren specifically has articulated the real spiritual world. Divinely showing the revelation of how the supernatural works. Her writing brings freedom and equips to fight and live effectively.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Long time ago, comes a time so far away

I remember the wood grain to be bit of a light color. It was stained with a very heavy coat of lacquer. I am not quite sure if I remember it being beautiful then, maybe its just now years later I realize how beautiful it was. The wind had quite a cool breeze, but more refreshing then anything. It was autumn. The clouds were gray, almost ready to rain. In fact maybe it was even misting, but so light of a mist it made it kind of delightful. We were rocking back and forth; I heard something flapping in the wind. There were loud noises and people around. But I had a moment; a moment where everything stood still, and there it was, captured, I had achieved perfect flow of the mind. I was fully immersed in this moment. I had an energized focus. It was beautiful and never forgotten.

As I stand here I find my self so fascinated with that capture. I am always reminded of it. Anyway, I must keep packing; we have a long journey ahead. So many years have past, not one part of that image has faded. So we set sail. Ready for months ahead with nothing but the world to sea.

After three months it’s been amazing journey so far. We are just making our way around the north tip of France, heading into the English Channel. A night passes, and here we are the North Sea. We make our way up the cost of The Netherlands and enter the canal passage that brings us into Alkmaar. What a beautiful sight. The water was choppy; it had a strong current flowing out to the North Sea. Wind was very strong. I will say it was very calming though. I could see on the edge of the land people riding their bikes, It was like I was going back in time. The windmills were still turning full speed with the brisk air. Up ahead I see an open body of water. As we approach the wind died down a bit. I call down in the cabin, “hunny please take the wheel.”

I turn around and I quickly became highly focus I get this senseless case of déjà vu. Its very strong, I drop me to my knees. I immediately close my eyes to refocus. I notice, still on my knees, that I am grabbing the back of the boat. I look up out into the water. What an amazing moment, it was so surreal. “Wait, this is the moment”. I realized I was here, and the moment I realized I made it. Yes a moment I have never forgotten.

World Changers

William Wilberforce: 1759-1833
“God Almighty has set before me two great objects, the suppression of the slave trade and the reformation of morals.” At twenty-six years of age Wilberforce became an evangelical Christian, there changing his path forever. Becoming an anti-slave-trade activists Wilberforce acted out to end salve trade in his lifetime. There after he became one of the leading English abolitionists, and stared the largest abolitionists campaigns that we know today. Through trial and tribulation, in 1807 the Slave Trade Act was passed, ending all slave trade in Britten and its colonies. As slavery was still legal, Wilberforce set out to see that all slavery would end also. He worked his entire life fighting this; three days before his death, slavery became illegal. Known as Slavery Abolition Act of 1833. Talking about a man filling his dream, a man that was denied eleven times and got back up every time. William Wilberforce is a true hero of all of humanity, an anointed and determined man that changed the course of our history forever!

Albert Einstein: 1879-1955
His problem-solving ability declined as his knowledge increased. Einstein broke all the rules in what defines a genius. If we live in the knowing, all that is, is what someone else thought up. He takes knowledge out of the picture and puts intuition into everything. The simple idea if someone makes a “crazy” suggestion in a meeting, no one says, “Wow, that kind of original thinking may lead to a novel solution.” Instead, they roll their eyes and return to the discussion. Is where we went wrong, we have been taught to learn the rules and use the rules that society has put before us. The theory of relativity only came form breaking the rules. For the rules set before him would of only lead to a lifetime of ideas with no meaning. As a failed high school dropout and struggled with autism he was no disappointment to humanity. He quotes “The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.” This states: that what we know is not of importance, but that intuition is everything. Not only did theory of relativity change the course of how we live today but for some, it was how he got to he theory that changed everything. Einstein quotes in his later years “The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.” That leads me to….

Ron Paul: 1935-Present
Republican United States Congressman, physician, bestselling author, and two-time presidential candidate and the only man that has been telling the truth and has not been shot. He is a constitutionalist, libertarian, advocate for ending the federal income tax, scaling back government spending, abolishing most federal agencies, and removing military bases and troops from foreign soil. Rob Paul is no puppet for our postmodernism ideologies; no amount of money will buy his actions. We must legalize freedom, not strip is all away like we are watching happen. Ron Paul quotes “The obligations of our representatives in Washington are to protect our liberty, not coddle the world, precipitating no-win wars, while bringing bankruptcy and economic turmoil to our people.” One World Order would be a shame to all of civilization; there is just simply no freedom in fascism.