Friday, September 19, 2008

therese's burning bush experience

while answering the questions from moses' burning bush experience in exodus, i kept feeling myself pulled back to how time after time, the Lord has encouraged me to speak even though i have simple words. i often feel myself inadequate to address groups because of my simple speech. however, it seems like every time JC rescues me in the situation, and any fear is dispelled in His presence.

i love how after we had all gone through our burning bush experiences, jen, you said the burning bush was never just for moses, but ultimately for God's people. how beautiful is that, to remember that no matter what kind of crazy or cool things are going on in our lives, God wants to use these situations to set His people free!

...on to my paper...

once upon a time there was a book, "chazown", by pastor craig groeschell. "chazown" is either hebrew or greek (i forgot which) for purpose-destiny-vision. pastor joanne took us through it at ladies Bible study. i took my smallgroup through it. then pastor joanne took us who were in her mentoring smallgroup through it. yeah, after reading the book 3 times and doing the exercises in it, i finally began to let it read me. "chazown" asks questions to figure out where you are in life, and if that is the purpose God intended for you. one day i slowly began to see... that it was a problem that my life did NOT match up with who God designed me to be. i was scared to let myself think about that before because i knew i was too physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted to do anything about it. BUT the reason i was so tired was BECAUSE i was working on living a life that the world told me was secure, rather than trusting God would keep me secure if i lived how He designed me. i really have known what that design was all along. i just believed the lie of the world, that i shouldn't try to be an entrepreneur.

my first art class was in 8th grade. i was thrilled to paint a fish jumping out of the water in all kinds of neon paints. however, i did not have confidence that i was actually talented in the area of art. in 10th grade i took a photo class. i loved it so much i continued photo through hs and ended up in charge of the photo dept. i continued photo in college. after taking all the photo classes, i wanted to keep hanging out in the art building, so i took ceramics, painting from life (nudes), and drawing. i realized (slowly again) during each critique (which we had instead of tests), that my paintings were always the professors' example of how to do it correctly. i struggled to get "c"s in any other subject, but "a"s came naturally in painting. still, as a woman in a man's world, my thoughts were on providing a secure future for myself (and hopefully a family). i thought it foolish to put all my eggs in one art basket. i majored in communications, minored in art, and set out into the world of broadcasting.

i was a dj and produced at a radio station and worked in audio at a television station. after 2 years, and deciding to live for JC, i started interns at the city church. i continued working, but also started a sewing/art cadre (which blayne walsh from project runway attended!!!). the summer between my 2nd and 3rd year of interns, my department had been out-sourced, so i decided to just do art. i worked under the business name "the art girl", making pieces and showing them. i had a show at yp that summer in the foyer of belltown. the venture was extremely invigorating and successful while it lasted.

while a 3rd year intern at hope church in tokyo, 2 things happened that caused me unimaginable pain and heartbreak. i left japan after only 6 months and spent a year doing nothing but healing, attending church, and working. needless to say, art fell by the wayside. in 2006 i felt like it was time to begin living again. ...and here we are.

the vision God's given me is to own my own business.
-a business of art that will bring a community of christian artists together to integrate with and inspire the already thriving community of annoyed-by-christians artists.
-an art company that will encourage the artist in everyone.
-an art company that will lead by pure standards and give back to the community, being salt and light. an example of this is that in the future i would like to be able to hold classes that are free for foster parents to bring their foster children to.

honestly, i know that out of this, a bigger opportunity is going to come to me, and i am going to take it. that is what God's shown me. this is a step in His plan, and i am so totally stoked on it!

here are the foundational scriptures for lluminer llc:
philippians 4:13 i can do all things through JC who strengthens me.

romans 5:3-5 we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; perseverance, character; character, hope.

jeremiah 29:11-14 and romans 8:28-31; for i know the thoughts i think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope, then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. and you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, said the Lord, and I will bring you back from your captivity; I will gather you from all the nations and from the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will bring you to the place from which i cause you to be carried away captive. we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose. for who He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. moreover who He predestined, these He also called; who He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.

the life of elisha is a constant inspiration to me. i need to position myself to receive the mantle of the great servants of the Lord who go before me. and then i will do even greater things.

i also find inspiration in psalm 84 which speaks of living in the house of the Lord always.

and in ezekiel 47:8-12 which speaks of the river of God, and how everything in it is healed and thriving.

right now God has put in my hand to have faith in things i cannot see. i had $7k saved up especially to pay closing costs on buying a loft. it felt more important to get on the right track in being who God created me to be. i believe that all along He had me saving the $, knowing i'd get on board with His destiny eventually. =) i've rented a super cheap studio, which i'm solely using to create art, and hold art smallgroup. i made a website, which i'm working on right now. i'm working on building up my pieces to where i have many different themes to choose from, when showing. i'm making contacts and leading an art night 2x/mo at my studio.

i've NEVER felt so satisfied, at peace, and (dare i say it...) SECURE! yes, this is a risky venture, but it is God's! this is who He created me to be. i'm EXCITED to create original art ideas that draw the world to Jesus Christ!

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