Sunday, September 28, 2008

therese's expectations

I see myself exemplifying a dream-come-true life found only in JC. I see myself desperate for Him in every area and every relationship. I see a deeper, wider, more trusting and intimate faith, than has ever walked this earth (besides JC!!!). I know that’s a bold statement. yeah, I know, but hey, why not? the Word says we’ll do greater things than these. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

I see my relationships/family: I see my future husband of God finding me and marrying me and fathering children with me and helping fund our family in pure joy. I see myself having close friends in seattle. I see my mom depending her life on God and making sane choices. I see my dad making healthy choices and surrendering his heart, mind, will, and emotions to the Lord. I see my sister, Christy, depending on God for understanding rather than herself. I see my sister, Steph, experiencing the presence of God in the fullest most encompassing way. I see my bro choosing to serve God and everything about him and his wife cleansed in the grace of God.

I see my work: I see doors opening that people never pushed on before.I see opportunities presenting themselves in areas that would usually be unattainable. I see hope, inspiration, success, and salvation as a normal element of interaction with lluminer on every level. I see art that is outside the box, but inside the heart, hugging the mind, and feeding the soul.

I see my finances as a supernatural faith stronger than the supports holding up the golden gate bridge. I see my finances as not mine at all, but God’s $ flowing through me. I see God’s continuous desires being fulfilled through the life that He blessed me with because I am in tune with His exact direction for lluminer. I see supporters who find what they’ve been looking for, and a pure joy in supporting what lluminer is doing.

I see my vision for my life being so in tune with JC that His will is continually accomplished through the life He blessed me with. I see myself embracing the role of a leader, and expecting liberated lives as fruit of that. I see lives freed. I see people excited about their passionate relationship with the Holy Spirit. I see liberty. I see salvation.

I see my goals for this year beginning with a successful outline for money coming in to lluminer. I see a cemented partnership of artists showing work on I see the atheist and Christian artists collaborating in art. I see lluminer harvesting where others have planted and tilled. I see unexplainable contacts, fame, popularity, word spread, advertising, understanding, awe, and interest in lluminer. I see miracles on an expected basis. I see lifetime friendships being formed. I see intercession, warring on the behalf of souls who misunderstand the unconditional love of God.

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