Friday, September 26, 2008

Day One: Light

Hi Inspire Group!! Vu and I are so sorry we missed the last two small groups. We miss getting the chance to hear "live" others' stories and ideas. Here is my Day one homework, and I also posted my burning bush story. Any feedback would be appreciated. God Bless!

In spiritual life:

I see myself as a faithful servant of Jesus. Daily discipline in reading the Word, reflecting on it, and how I can apply it to my life today.

33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Matthew 6;33-34

I will grow more comfortable with God’s word and speaking it openly from my own mouth. My faith will sprout out without resistance or reserve. And I will wear it as a cloak to shine, not as a cloak to cover.

In marriage:

I see myself striving to be a Proverbs 31:10-31 woman. One who takes care of her family, household, and husband. But, also a Godly woman who others can turn to.

As we enter our 2nd year of marriage, we strive to be more interdependent, to be more one. To communicate and reach decisions as one vs he/she wants to do …To put aside time alone and together to reach that decision.

I would like to see ourselves setting an example for our family and friends as a loving, Christian couple. One that has their doors open for friends and strangers alike.

In career:

I sees myself working to bring affirmation to myself as a woman, and one who can provide care and knowledge to those in need. In serving in the workplace, I am also setting an example to others. And they will see what a difference being a Christian is in attitude towards work!

In future:

We see ourselves having the home we desire, filled with God-loving children. Working to provide the income we need to maintain our lifestyle, but still allowing time for God and also His works that we need to do.

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