Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dr. Bill Bright

Growing up, Dr. Bill Bright had a huge influence on my life. I was inspired at his devotion to fulfill the great commission, and I was amazed at his passion and zeal to honor the Lord in every area of his life. He even wrote a contract committing all of his possessions to the Lord, which led him to be very generous with his possessions, and kept him from coveting material things. He and his wife founded Campus Crusade for Christ, and have seen countless people come to Christ both personally and through their ministry and work. He lived a very modest lifestyle, and several times, when he received large personal financial honorariums, he endorsed them straight to Campus Crusade for Christ. His passion and lifestyle would not be attractive to anyone with even a hint of worldly lusts, but to many dedicated disciples, he was a hero. I once visited the CCFC headquarters in Orlando and I met an employee who had a Harvard MBA and left a six-figure salary to work for Dr. Bright. At that time, my goals were directed to my personal success and reputation. This experience drastically changed my goals and dreams in life, and gave me a new example of what it is to be a servant leader. My goal is to have such a passion for Christ, that I will make bold decisions that will attract many others to Christ and the Great Commission.

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