Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Where does my vision go from here...

I’m on the edge of a precipice. Not afraid to jump off,
not afraid to fall over.
Looking for a bridge or a ladder. What is beyond? What’s down there?
What’s at the bottom? I want to know before I make the leap.
Know it’s right though I don’t know it all.
Should I turn back,
walk away?
Should I close my eyes and just keep moving?
I need a breeze, a wind, something to thrust me.
Create me a wall, give me a push, send me over,
show me a bridge!
Toss me a rock, throw me a rope, grant me a path!
I am on the edge. Push me over
or send me back.

But there was no wind.
There was no rope,
no stone, no bridge, no wall.
There in the silence was a voice.
Small but strong.
“Did I not bring you to this edge?
Have I not kept you from jumping over or falling down?
From walking off or turning back?
I have brought you here. I have created your path.
You did not come here on your own.
Just be.
I Am.”

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