Friday, January 30, 2009


It is quite simple - in my lifetime along with thousands of others throughout this world, I want to end sex trafficking. The abduction of young girls being thrown into filthy brothels, striped down to bare skin, forced to intoxicate them self’s so they can be sexily abused and raped for a small price. Not just once a day, but over and over and over again. If you live in the greater Seattle area there are seven hundred women being sold every night in your backyard, two hundred of them are under the age of fourteen.

This is the largest growing business in the world. It is simply one of the most heinous and evil crimes on the face of this earth. It is expected it be the largest industry in the world in the matter of years. We CANNOT sit back any longer. It is not about making shelters and putting bandages on the problems. We cannot relay on government to take proper action. These are precious women and children of God. Its time to track, arrest and put behind bars anyone who fuels this industry. The roots start with the unawareness of the issue, along with acceptance of societies naiveté. It is time to chance that.

On the most privet level of bank instrument trading there are trillions of dollars being trading ever day to help raise money for big government projects. The governments pay extremely high rates to borrow this money. This business is a multi-trillion dollars global non-corrupt banking miracle. After the day trades the investor yields a very high return. We are not talking investors with a few million but rather a few hundred million. That adds up to daily profits in the fifty million plus range. This is where the miracle comes in; these highly regulated platforms are not made to make a multi-millionaire a billionaire overnight. Only thirty percent of the proceeds are used and added to the investor’s portfolio. These platforms are to add billions and billions of dollars in the privet sector. These are how billion dollar humanitarian projects get funded without government help.

This system dates back hundreds of years. It is simply the most pristine and largest business in the world. It helps government get money needed to do such projects and it helps put billions of dollars a day back into the world through all types to humanitarian projects. With very few mandators allocating this money towards human trafficking. I see vision and direction to change that. That is simply what I am going to do.

So the way I see is, it is not if, but when. When is the day, when millions upon millions of dollars can go directly to this problem? No more million here a million there fighting this crime, but billions over the course of our lifetime fighting and ending this evil, evil crime. Jesus says, “ Do you believe that I am able to do this?” “Yes Lord (Matthew 9:28)?”, not a doubt in my mind!!

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