Thursday, March 5, 2009

Jaime's Vision

God has placed me in a position that I’ve been wanting. I’ve been wanting to be challenged in areas of public speaking, sales, and meeting people. These are all out of my comfort zone. When this job opened up, it was the perfect opportunity for me to take. I get nervous and anxious when I talk in front of groups, I am not the aggressive sales type and I hate bothering people, and I’m very shy when it comes to meeting people I don’t know. God has been working with me and telling me to trust him and to put myself out there and meet as many people as you can. He doesn’t want me to be afraid anymore. He’s telling me not to worry about who’s in the audience. Just be me and he’ll take care of the rest.

When it comes to my presentations, I want to be a motivator, encourager, and influencer. I want those students to feel empowered and moved when my presentation is finished. I want them to feel like anything is possible. I want them to feel the exact way God makes me feel!

The bell rings and students begin to fill the room going to their assigned seats, looking around as if something is out of place or something is different. Yes, today is different. They ask themselves, “who is this stanger?” up in the front of the room. “Do we have a sub today?” More and more students begin piling in as it’s almost time to start. Still students are sitting at their seats wondering what this stranger is doing in their classroom today. They can’t help but feel he means no harm and has a calm, pleasant demeanor about him. Even though they don’t know who he is, they feel comfortable.

The final bell rings and it’s time to begin class. The teacher takes role and introduces the guest speaker, “class, this is Jaime Cortes” and explains why he is visiting their class today, “it’s about your future”, the teacher explains. I begin and as I talk about the possiblilities of their future, it’s as if they are transported to the future. Having glimpses of what it will be like in a career they love and are passionate about. A career that allows them to travel, have freedom, and enjoy the things they’ve always wanted. They feel like they are in a story. A story of their future. A future of infinite possibilities. Their eyes light up. Smiles and laughter fill the room. They are having the ride of their life.

Amazed at what they have heard, they want to learn and hear more. They don’t want it to end. They want that future that I have explained. 40 minutes have gone by and it’s time for me to wrap it up. “Okay class, now it’s your turn to make that dream become a reality! It’s time to take the first step.” The room is filled with hands raised in the air. Hands raised with questions about “how can I get that?” “How can I get what you just explained?” “I want it all!” “What do I have to do?”

I can’t help but smile on the inside and think, “Man, God is good!”

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