Sunday, November 9, 2008


Short Term:

I see myself spending more time walking with God, including more time in prayers, more time in worship and more time reading the Bible.

I see myself spending more quality time with Thuy and appreciating her more. This includes not working too much at home, putting my blackberry away, and talking to her more about her wants and needs. We will also pray more together.

I see myself having less stress at work, and not be to worry about things that I cannot control.

Make time to exercise daily 3-4 times a week.

Intermediate Term:

Isee myself being able to run and walk without any problems.

I expect to run in the next Seattle half marathon.

Thuy and I to buy a new house.

Pay Increase at work.
To be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit allowing the Spirit to guide me with my decision making. This includes our investments and our jobs.

I see myself being more open to people needs and having the time/finances to help them out.

Long Term:

Thuy and I to have many kids 2-5, but we will be happy with one child next year.

I see our marriage with a stronger Christian foundation and that each day we grow to love each other more.

I see myself being able to communicate better with Thuy and understanding her more.

I see our marriage as a model to all of our non-Christian friends. As most have marital issues, we would like to be a model and to give them God lovely support.

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