Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Leadership-Phil Vischer

Phil Vischer was the co-creator of a very well known and successful children's video brand - Veggietales. When he and his partner began they didn't necessarily have all their ducks in a row. They just knew had some fun, crazy ideas about creating computer animated vegetables that taught children biblical values. As they took each step forward God provided the exactly what they needed, even if they didn't know they needed it. They didn't really do any market testing or research (which isn't necessarily the best approach) but went with their idea anyways. It was bold and risky but it paid off! Veggietales became a huge success - at one point being #1 in video sales for all videos (not just christian). Along the way Phil got distracted by things that were not his gifting - managing a large company, payroll, etc. He made some bad management hiring choices which ultimately drove the company into bankruptcy. Fortunately the company was bought an outside investor who would run the company and hire Phil and his partner on to be in charge of the writing and creative aspects for future videos. This allowed Phil to once again focus on what his giftings were which he realized is where he'd find God's grace to accomplish what he was called to do. I can relate to him not only because of the mistakes he's made trying to be good at everything and learning how to live by grace but I can relate to having silly, crazy ideas and not knowing what God could possibly use them for. I love Phil's story because he was bold enough to run with his ideas whether other people believed in them or not.

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